For marketing to meet this challenge demands a change in its focus and practices. These are a few Checking feels are critical:
· Deeply know your customer. Success will increasingly be based on an information advantage. The more you know about your consumer, your competitor and your market, the better you’ll succeed.
· Value the relationship. As the consumer becomes more powerful and less susceptible to marketing influences, protecting the relationship a company has with its consumer will become more crucial. An essential element of any relationship is trust.
· Create personal relevance. Customization along relevant criteria will be increasingly demanded. Those who can deliver individualized experiences of their products, services or brand will do far better than those who only offer one-to-one marketing.
· Push presence, not image. With so many options available, only the distinctive will prosper. Design will play a far greater role than it has in the past. Design that integrates all aspects of a company’s offering into an integrated experience will do contribute even more value.
· Think link. Mass media can’t provide sufficient reach anymore, but linkage through the Internet and other digital medium can. Word of mouth and grass roots campaigns can thrive in those mediums.
· Evolve quickly or die slowly. Companies and brands capable of accepting and flourishing in a condition of relentless, continuous change will prosper while their more hidebound competitors fade away.
The phony bugger compensates the activating follower